15 Hour Entitlement

Targeted 2-Year-Old Funding (Term-time only contract)

A limited number of 2-year-olds living in the Borough of Reading are eligible to receive a funded early years place.   For more information on the full eligibility criteria and how to apply, visit: Reading Directory | 2 Year Old Education & Childcare Funding

We offer our Targeted 2-year old funded sessions as follows;

5 x Mornings 8.30-11.30am or 5 x Afternoons 12.30-3.30pm


3/4-Year-Old Funding (Term-time only contract)

All children aged three or four years old are entitled to up to 15 hours per week for a maximum of 38 weeks per year from the start of the term following their third birthday e.g.

  • A child born between 1 April and 31 August is eligible for a nursery place from the start
    of the autumn term (September)
  • A child born between 1 September and 31 December is eligible for a nursery place
    from the start of the spring term (January)
  • A child born between 1 January and 31 March is eligible for a nursery place from the
    start of the summer term (April)

We offer our 15-hour funded sessions as follows;

5 x Mornings 8.30-11.30am or 5 x Afternoons 12.30-3.30pm

You can also choose to have a mixture of mornings and afternoons to create a longer day (subject to availability) paying for breakfast, lunch and tea clubs to extend the hours - See fees sheet below (please note that there is a price increase April 2023).

There is no sibling discount applicable with a term-time only contract.


Holiday Club

All the above sessions are term-time only, but you would have the option of booking your child into our Holiday Club – please note that places are limited and session times are different to the above. Holiday Club spaces can only be booked two weeks prior to any holidays and cannot be guaranteed - See session and fee sheet below.